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Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. Task 2 Essay Sample

Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Advancement in technology and fashionability of social media helps grease and reduce costs in numerous aspects of life as well as the business and educational exertion. The significant decline in cost helps close the wide gap of income groups which offers occasion for people not only the rich, but also the poor and middle-class to be able of entering advanced education and also start their businesses fluently than in the history. In my opinion, I agree with this statement and I'll outline the reasons in the essay.

To begin with, people anyhow of their family background are suitable to admit the high quality of education when compared to the history. The exploration from Imperial College London revealed that the chance of people in Thailand, who have earned at least undergraduate degrees, had increased more than 70 when compared to the same figure 50 times agone. The significant point is that technology in the educational system provides further options for people to elect and register to learn online class from well- known universities rather of traditional class and so help reduce both travelling costs and the education figure for them while they're studying. thus, advancement in education offers colorful choices for people to admit a degree while in the history only the elite group are suitable to.

Another important point is that social media allows people to start business with lower plutocrat investment but still have a advanced chance of success. People can start to have business with a small quantum of investment, whereas this case is unfit to be when online platforms aren't extensively used as currently. For case, the author of Airbnb, started their business in 2008 by posting their apartment for rent on Facebook and after that they invested only lower than five hundred bones but entered the immediate profit further than double. also, the fashionability of websites caused Airbnb business to grow further than triadic its profit only a many months and came a billion worth of business as of moment. The easy way to make plutocrat is caused by the development of social platforms which allow people with ideas to begin their businesses.

In conclusion, people have further openings not only for entering education but also starting their business because of the development of both technology and social online platform.



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